How do you want things to be different?
Are you prepared for all the implications of that?
Do you want to be the same or different?
How do you want to be different?
Are you prepared for all the implications of that?
John the Baptist
He wanted things to be different – he was effective
He was different.
1.He did not have a worldly input (behaviour-fuel)
Luke 1v15 He will be a great man in the Lord’s sight. He must not drink any wine or strong drink. See Ephesians 5v18
2.He did not have a worldly focus
Luke 7v25 not fine clothes. Seek first the Kingdom
3,He did not have a worldly ambition
Luke 1v80 – grew and became strong in spirit
“in the desert until he was to appear” nothing to show for it
Luke 3v2 – the word/message of the Lord came upon him in the wilderness.
He defined his life by his relationship to Jesus.
4. He did not have a worldly motivation – it cost him
Romans 12 – do not be conformed
5. He did not have a worldly self-image
John 1v21-23 -the voice of someone shouting in the desert.
6. He did not have a worldly conversation
John 1v29 – behold the Lamb of God
7. He did not have a worldly understanding world view – He knew that God is going to do something. John 1v27 He is coming after me.
8. He did not have a worldly character – Mark 6v20 Herod feared John seeing that this man was just (righteous) and holy – set apart – different
9. He did not have a worldly religion – he blasted the respectable religious.
Matt 21v32 For John came to you (chief priests and elders) in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors (people working for the other side – the enemy) and the prostitutes (the sexually immoral) did. And even after this you did not repent and believe.
10. He did not have a worldly output
John 10v41 John did no miracle but all things that John spoke of this man were true.