Your History with Jesus

learning from Peter’s experience

CONSIDERING – becoming aware of Jesus and discovering more about him.

1. John 1  – brother Andrew – “We have found the Messiah” – then he took Simon to Jesus.

Who first told you about Jesus? Who brought you to church? Who taught you about Jesus?

2. Mark 1 v16,17 – some time later (John now in prison)  “Follow me and I will teach you”

Peter left what he was doing.

How long for you was this considering phase?

What showed that you were beginning to seek after Jesus?

3. Mark 1v30 – healing of mother-in-law

When you were learning about Jesus, what was special about him to you?

What relationship did your family have in your considering Jesus?

4. v36 “Everyone is looking for you” 

“I must preach – we must go”

When and  how did you know that you were facing a challenge to do more than just consider and learn about Jesus?

CONVERTING – turning from life on my own to life with Jesus

1. Luke 5 v8– you’d think Peter was “in” – Jesus in his boat, calling him, master, doing what Jesus said:

But then – confronting Jesus holiness and own unworthiness.

Did you have a time when you looked as if you were “in” but weren’t ?

When did the holiness of Jesus and your own uncleanness strike you?

Jesus acceptance – don’t be afraid

– left everything

When was your turning point?

2. John 6v68 To whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life – and now we know and believe that you are the holy one sent from God.

When and how did you confess openly your commitment to Jesus?

3. John 13 v6-9

Allowing Jesus to wash his feet.

The heart of relationship with Jesus – not what you do for him but what you allow him to do for and in you.   An anti-religion relationship – receiving his grace –

How did Jesus love for you become real to you?

Luke 22v61,62   Peter fails in his own strength.

Luke 24v34 Forgiveness – private conversation

When have you mourned over your inability to do what you knew was right?

When did you feel completely accepted by Jesus despite everything you had done?

CONFORMING – living differently to be in line with Jesus    (Romans 8v29)

1. Matt 16v16-17 “You are the Messiah “ “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven”

When are you taking  opportunities to hear from Father personally?

2. v22,23 – “Get behind me Satan”

being corrected from wrong mindset   (renewing of your mind)

What changes of your mindset have you had?

3. Mk 6v7-13 – being sent out on a faith adventure.

What faith adventures do you have in your history with Jesus?

4. Matt 18v21,22 – learning forgiveness

unforgiveness is an unsurpassable barrier in conforming to the likeness of Jesus

What issues of unforgiveness have you been helped to overcome?

5. Acts 1 and Acts 2 – being prepared in God’s Word.

How are you growing in knowing, understanding, applying God’s Word?

1Peter 2v2 Like newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby

CONSECRATING – stepping into God’s calling and Holy Spirit gifting

1/. Mark3v13-16 apostle

fisher of men Luke 5; a shepherd Jn 21; evangelist Acts2

What has God called to you to be for Jesus? to do for Jesus?

2. Mt17 transfiguration – special experience of heaven breaking through – presence of God

When in your experience have you had a touch of heaven?

3. Acts 1v8 – When the Holy Spirit comes upon you

Acts 2 fulfilled    Acts 4v8 – Peter, full of the Holy Spirit  – boldness

What times can you think of when you know that you were only able to do what you were doing because the Holy Spirit was helping you?

4. Holy Spirit gifts – Acts 3v6 “I give you what I have”

How has the Holy Spirit enabled you to make a difference for others?

5. Acts 5 – knowledge discernment  – knowing things you wouldn’t know unless shown you.

What occasions can you think of when the Holy Spirit has shown you something that you could not have known otherwise?

CONTINUING – growing in experience of walking with Jesus.

1. John 21 v15-19 Jesus’ conversation

What experiences have helped you to grow in your walk with Jesus?

2. Acts 10v13,14 “I have never”

being set free from religious traditions and obligations.

It is what Jesus is saying to you now that matters.

How have your views changed since you began to follow Jesus?

3. Acts 10v44 – people from other nations becoming Christians

– limited ideas about the Holy Spirit

– always more of the Holy Spirit’s work to discover and experience.

How would you like God to use you in the

work of his Kingdom in the coming days?

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