- loves Jesus
- lives according to the Bible
- does what Jesus says
- is a child in God’s family
- allows Jesus to do what he wants to do for them
- has turned from sin to serve God
- as given their life to Jesus
- works for Jesus’ Kingdom
- wants others to know Jesus
- is not ashamed of Jesus
- obeys God’s commands
- follows Jesus
- is learning from Jesus day by day
- has received the Holy Spirit
- lets the Holy Spirit guide them each day
- likes to please God
- has become a member of God’s family
- is on their way to heaven
- knows they don’t deserve God’s blessing
- is ashamed when they do something against what Jesus wants
- has accepted God’s forgiveness
- loves other Christians
- wants to serve
- has a God-given purpose for their lives
- will not change when they are opposed, threatened or made fun of
- has Jesus’ joy in their heart
- knows a peace that others cannot know
- loves because they have been loved
- is chosen for special work
- has been received and accepted by Jesus
- has been made clean on the inside
- is set free from the power of the Devil
- is being made whole
- trusts Jesus
- has Holy Spirit gifts to use
- is being changed day by day
- is useless without the power and nearness of the Holy Spirit in them
- often fails to be all that they have committed themselves to be
- has the flow of the Holy Spirit in them
- believes Jesus is who he said he is
- has a personal experience of Jesus
- has Jesus as their Shepherd
- will be brought to life after death
- worships God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- waits for God
- seeks first the Kingdom of God
- has discovered God’s love for them
- lives Jesus’ way
- does not need to be afraid
- trusts God to provide for them
- wants what Jesus wants more than what they want
- wants to be clean and pure
- is set apart for Jesus’ purposes
- is sensitive to the needs of others
- is willing to suffer for Jesus’ sake
- is watched over day by day
- is seen to be a bit like Jesus
- is a friend of Jesus
- prays in Jesus’ name
- trusts Jesus’ death to deal with sin
- has been put right with God
- is receiving healing for loss, damage and hurt
- faces the same difficulties in life as others, but with Jesus
- will not respond wrongly to wrong done to them
- knows their weaknesses
- will be honest and trustworthy
- is willing to go without things to serve Jesus
- is content in God’s will
- can experience life in all its fullness
- wants to get to know Jesus better
- has eternal life
- owes everything to Jesus
- is never alone
(from Acts chapter 11 where followers of Jesus were first called Christians)
A Christian is someone who
- hears about Jesus – Some went to Antioch, telling the Good News about the Lord Jesus. (v20)
- believes in Jesus – A great number of people believed
- turns to Jesus – and turned to the Lord. (v21)
- joins Jesus – Barnabas encouraged them to stay true to the Lord with all their hearts. (v23)
- learns from Jesus – For a whole year the two met with the church and taught a large group. (v26)
- listens to Jesus – Agabus, by the Holy Spirit predicted that a famine was about to come. (v28)
- lives for Jesus – They decided to send as much as they could to help. (v29)