Jesus from beginning to end

He was there at the beginning.

He was with the people in the Old Testament.
He became a baby in Mary’s womb and was born.

He was committed to his Father when he was 12.
He worked as a carpenter in the town where he lived.

He was baptised and said no to the Devil.
He said what God wanted people to know.

He healed people of all kinds of illnesses and disabilities.
He overcame the power of evil that had hurt people.

He showed people that he loved them.
He did supernatural miracles.

He invited and trained people to work for his kingdom.
He suffered and died to make us friends with God.

He rose from death showing that he was right.
He spent some weeks appearing to his friends.

He went back to heaven.
He sent the Holy Spirit to be with those who love him.

From heaven he leads the work of God’s Kingdom.
One day he will come back to sort out everything.

He will lead everything that happens from then on.

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