Glasgow children and revival

1. On August 18 at 6.30pm at Glasgow Green,  20,000 met to hear about revival.

2.One day in 1859, in the Sunday school at Finnieston church, 100 of the 300 children remained behind for prayer for conversion.

3. In 1859, an elder, writing in the press, claimed that more people were seeking admission to the fellowship of the churches than at any former period in the city of Glasgow, telling of one church then examining 130 candidates.

4.1860. Every Sabbath evening since the Bridgegate Church was opened, the crowds around the outdoor stone pulpit have been increasing, until on last Sabbath evening, there could not have been fewer than 7000 hearers.

5.At the close of the open air service, an invitation is given to all who wish to come to a decision, to attend the prayer meeting..Within 10 minutes the church is generally packed, with probably upwards of 1100.

6.About 10 o’clock, the meeting was brought to a close, and those only were asked to remain who wished conversation with the minister and other friends. About 500 waited,  including the friends of those who were in distress. The meeting continued till a quarter to twelve.

7.In 1859, Pyson Hammond carried the revival influence to Glasgow, where such a work was wrought that a thanksgiving meeting in the city hall attracted 4000 people and turned away twice as many more.

8.According to the Glasgow Sabbath School magazine, by 1867, in ten years there had been an increase of 17000 attending their schools. In 1866, they claimed to have 60,464 children in their Sunday schools.

9. 1859 East Gorballs Free Church Mission. The awakening had been very marked among the boys. The Children’s prayer meeting which was held at the close of the ordinary service had upwards of 100 children, accompanied by the missionary and one or two friends. It lasted about half an hour, and was conducted by 3 of the boys, from 11 to 13 years of age.

10. 1859. A prayer meeting at Bridgeton, which began with 5 boys, is now attended by about 50, and is held 3 or 4 times a week.

11. In 1874, Moody began his work in Glasgow on Sunday 8th February by addressing 3000 Sunday school teachers in the City hall.

12. In 1874, every Saturday from 12 to 1 o’clock, Wellington Street UP Church, which holds about 1200 to 1500 is crowded with boys and girls. Sometimes Ewing Place church is also filled.

13. By 1880, the Glasgow United Evangelistic Association was providing Sunday dinner for 1500 children.

14. By November 1882, Alexander Mackeith was addressing crowds of 2000 children in Glasgow.

15.In 1882, David Lowe writes on December 1st to report 8 united children’s meetings in the east end of Glasgow, held in his church by A Mackeith, attended by over 1000 nightly.

16. At a meeting with about 1000 children in 1882, Mr Mackeith invited all who professed to have received the Saviour to meet in the adjoining room. 102 boys and 107 girls responded. The majority were aged about 11 or 12.

17 In 1882 in the south east of Glasgow, 1700 children attended a nightly series of meetings. On the last night, 116 boys and 140 girls stayed at the end to be counselled.

18. In 1890, 2000 children were attending Sunday afternoon meetings in the Tent Hall,

19. and the Glasgow Foundry Boys’ Society claimed that a total of 15,000 attended meetings across the city every Sunday morning, out of a total of 22,000 on their roll.

20. During the last school week before Easter 1991, in a Glasgow primary school, a parent was leading a weekly Christian lunchtime meeting. She spoke on forgiveness and afterwards asked the children to close their eyes and ask themselves if there was anyone they needed to forgive. She was aware of a sense of stillness in the room and the sound of gentle weeping. However when she opened her eyes, she was amazed to see all 20 children flat on their faces on the floor. 19 of those children are said to have become Christians during that meeting.

1. How many thousands met on Glasgow Green?_________________  

2. How many hundreds were in the Sunday school? _________             

3. How many were wanting to join the church?________________

4. How many thousands were there?_______________

5. How many hundreds went on to the prayer meeting?___________

6. How many hundreds stayed to talk?__________________

7. How many thousands came to the meeting?_______________

8. How many hundreds joined the Sabbath schools each year?_______

9. What was the average age of the boys who led the meeting?_______

10. How many joined the prayer meeting after it had started?_________

11. How many thousand Sunday school teachers?________________

12. What’s the lowest number attending the meeting?______________

13. How many children got a free dinner?__________________

14. How many thousands came to his meetings?________________

15. How many united children’s meetings?_____________________

16. How many children responded to Jesus?________________

17. How many children responded on the last night?_____________

18. How many thousand children went on Sunday afternoons?_______

19. How many thousands came at some time?________________

20. What year did this happen?____________

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