The Holy Spirit gives special gifts and ministries for the work of Jesus’ Kingdom.
1 Holy Spirit Gifts
- (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
- Wisdom – knowing what to do.
- Knowledge – hearing things from God.
- Faith – believing in God for big things.
- Healing – praying for people.
- Miracles – doing things that other people can’t.
- Prophecy – passing on what God is saying.
- Discernment – knowing what is going on.
- Tongues – special words for prayer, worship and beating the devil.
- Interpretation – explaining what things mean.
2 Holy Spirit Ministries
- (Ephesians 4:11-12)
- Apostle – someone who is sent. Someone who is able to decide what to do and do it.
- Prophet – someone who speaks. Someone God speaks to about what he is feeling, what he is going to do, what he wants to happen and what he wants people to know.
- Evangelist – someone who is a messenger with good news. Someone who tells people about Jesus and helps them to decide to give their lives to Jesus.
- Shepherd – someone who takes care of sheep. Someone who takes care of a group of people who are following Jesus – making sure that they have everything they need, and protecting them from things which could harm people.
- Teacher – someone who teaches. Someone who shows what the Bible says, who explains it in a way that people understand, and who helps them to live in a way that pleases God.