Aims for Children’s Ministry

These aims show a practical way of translating our vision for children into practice in church life.

1. Congregation Life

  • (Matthew 21:9-16, Nehemiah 8:2-3 & 10:28-29, Joshua 8:35)
  • To honour children and encourage their full involvement in the congregation’s life of worship, prayer, teaching, ministry and the expression of Jesus’ Kingdom.

2. Recreation

  • (Zechariah 8:5)
  • To provide opportunities where children can enjoy the life and relationships of Jesus’ Kingdom with others of their own age, and with adults and young people who can be friends with them.

3. Discipleship Groups

  • (Acts 2:17)
  • To help children who want to follow Jesus to get into God’s Word and the Holy Spirit together.
  • To provide the setting where Holy Spirit initiatives can happen with the children.
  • To encourage the growth of leadership in children.

4. Teaching/Discovery

  • (2 Timothy 3:15)
  • To teach the children from the Bible in such a way that they will discover Jesus for themselves and grow in relationship with Him.
  • To help the children to develop a good working knowledge of the Bible.
  • To train the children in understanding, responding to, and applying the Scriptures for themselves.

5. Evangelism

  • (Mark 10:13-16, Matthew 21:15-16)
  • To provide all we can for children to fully experience Jesus’ Kingdom.
  • To share the Good news with children in ways that are in line with the way Jesus did it.
  • To look out for and encourage Holy Spirit initiatives among children for evangelising others.

6. Family

  • (Malachi 4:6, James 1:27)
  • To promote teaching on family life, and the targeting of special care for those who are fatherless (or motherless) whether by death or by the break-up of the family.
  • To be available to families for help, support and ministry relating to the needs of their children.
  • To encourage and facilitate the growth of the family life of the church, involving children, young people and adults together.

7. Prayer

  • (Jeremiah 1:4-19, Psalm 10:12-18, Nehemiah 4:13-21)
  • To encourage children in prayer relating to personal, local, national and global issues.
  • To promote action against the demonic pressure on children – by prayer and prophetic action.
  • To have people committed to praying for children, children’s work and children’s workers.

8. Ministry

  • (2 Kings 5:3, 1 Samuel 3 & 17:26-40)
  • To work alongside children as partners in their ministry for Jesus.
  • To provide opportunities and encouragement for the growth of experience of children in direct ministry.
  • To make room for children who are being called and anointed to exercise leadership responsibility.

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