These Bible examples of God using children show us what we can expect to see.
1 Samuel
- (1 Samuel 2-3)
- Spiritual ministry (2:18-19). The robe and ephod were priestly clothes.
- Practical service (3:15). His duties included opening the doors.
- Hearing God (3:10-14, 3:21). He received a serious message.
- Speaking for God (3:18-21). He was encouraged and recognised in this.
2 David
- (1 Samuel 16-17)
- Holy Spirit music ministry (16:23). He ministered effectively to Saul.
- Leading God’s people (17:32). When others were afraid, he led.
- Fighting God’s enemies (17:45-51). He challenged and defeated Goliath.
- Prophetic action (17:52). His acts encouraged others to fight.
3 Little Girl
- (2 Kings 5:1-15)
- Supernatural love (5:2-3). She wanted her abductor healed.
- Faith (5:3). This was the only healing of a leper (Luke 4:27).
- Healing (5:14). Naaman was completely healed.
- Evangelism (5:15). Naaman committed himself to God.
4 Jesus
- (Luke 2:41-52)
- Family worship (2:41). The Passover was a family event.
- Involved with adults (2:46). He had a discussion with teachers.
- Understanding God’s Word (2:47). He gave amazing answers.
- In God’s business (2:49). This was His natural place.
5 Young Boy
- (John 6:1-13)
- Following Jesus (6:2). He was an individual follower.
- Caring help (6:9). He offered his packed lunch.
- Sacrificial giving (6:11). Jesus took all he had.
- Miracles (6:11-13). The answer was in the child’s hand.
6 Children
- (Matthew 21:1-16)
- “Hosanna (save now), Son of David.”
- Worship and praise (21:12-14). They had seen Jesus in action.
- Preaching (21:15). They told who he is and what he came to do.
- Prophetic prayer (21:15). This was fulfilled later that week.
- Spiritual warfare (21:16). Psalm 8:2 explains this.