What does Jesus want?

John 4v3-26

  • To give  – v10 you ask he would give
  • An everyday – like water
  • Holy Spirit flowing  – v14 well springing up
  • Personal
  • Relationship
  • With Jesus  for each of us

What might hinder us from asking?

1. view of self

How can you ask me?

  • Simon Peter – depart from me

2. view of God – what God is like

V22 You (Samaritans) worship what you don’t know.

– church/ family background

3. view of the Holy Spirit

V15 – misunderstanding

Conviction / particular expression

What might stand in the way of us receiving?

1. Our way of life – sin damage

Whatever the cause

2. Lack of openness / honesty

Jesus does not shame us or hurt us

3. Religion

Instead – Personal relationship with Father and His Son. (Come see a man..

4. The limitations we put

“on this mountain”

What are the steps to receiving?

1. Stay in the conversation that Jesus starts with you.

2. Ask

3. Let Jesus take care of your past.  “God has not only dealt with our guilt, he has dealt with our sin that has led to our guilt.” (Hugh O’Brien)

4. Receive His Peace 

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