How are we meant to live?
To know the leading of God and to follow it.
Ex 13v17 Now when Pharaoh let them go, God did not lead them the way of the land of the Philistines though that was near, for God said, in case the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt. But God led the people “about”.
1. The direct shorter route is not necessarily God’s one for us.
2. God knows us better than we know ourselves.
3. God is not going to lead us into a situation that he has not equipped us to deal with.
4. God has an intention for our lives – not just “getting out of Egypt” or “beating the Philistines” but “living in the Promised Land.” (demonstrating the kingdom of heaven)
5. In God’s purposes for us, some battles are unnecessary and are to be avoided.
6. Some issues and battles are for another time, another day.
7. If God is taking us a roundabout way it does not mean that he is angry with us, or punishing us, or that he has left us.
8. Sometimes God tells us why he is taking us the way he is taking us, other times he just takes us.
9. Along with looking to God for more information, we should thank him for what he chooses not to show us which it would not be helpful for us to know – thank him for unanswered prayer.
10. Each of us is caught up in God’s purposes for his people in this generation. Some ways God leads us is so that the needs of others can be met. Some ways that God leads others is so that our needs can be met. (not all of them would have minded fighting the Philistines at that point)
11. It is important to learn how not to be tempted to go back to the security of the past instead of facing the responsibilities and challenges of moving onwards in living for Jesus. We learn by building our experience in following God’s leading.
12. When one adventure of faith is accomplished, another one is just about to begin!
(Their next adventure: Exodus 14v10-15 stuck between the sea and the Egyptian
army. God’s instruction v15 “Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward.”