A focussed expectation of what can happen with children will come from receiving what God has said and is saying to us about them.
1 We can Expect things to be Different from our Experience so far
- God told the Israelites in the desert that their children’s experience would be different from theirs. “But your little ones, whom you said would be a prey – them will I bring in, and they will know the land which you have despised.” (Numbers 14:31)
2 We can Expect Children to be Fully Involved in Holy Spirit Ministry
- In describing what would happen when the Holy Spirit is poured out, the first thing mentioned in Acts 2:17 is that “your sons and daughters will prophesy.
3 We can Expect that what has Happened in the Past can Happen Again
- Revival history shows that God has used children in many special ways. For a historical account of children in revival in Scotland, see “Children in Revival” by Harry Sprange.
4 We can Expect that what is Happening with Children in Other Countries Experiencing Revival can Happen Here
- Accounts from Argentina in recent years, for example, show children involved in powerful evangelistic, healing, intercession and deliverance ministries.
5 We can Expect things to Happen with Children Where We Are
- Many contemporary prophecies indicate that children in the UK have a special place in God’s purposes in coming revival.
- See particularly Jean Darnall’s prophecy.
6 We can Expect that what has Begun will Expand
- In the past fifteen years in the UK there has been a significant growth in the experience of children in Holy Spirit gifts and ministry.
- “Spying out the Land” – available from Young Resources – gives an account of this.
7 We can Expect God to Give us a Personal Vision
- Since God is doing new things among children in this generation, the Holy Spirit will give us fresh insight into our place in his plans.
8 We can Expect to Implement a Fellowship Vision
- Where churches recognise, make room for, and incorporate what God is doing with children, then this will provide the best setting for the fulfilment and safeguarding of this work.