Graeme C. Young has been active in a wide variety of Christian ministry for over 50 years. He concentrated mainly on youth ministry in Cambridge 1967-1981 (apart from two years study at Moorlands Bible College), then on various aspects of congregation leadership and church planting in south east London. He specialised in developing the ministry of children and their involvement in all-age church and he wrote resources and spoke on this at churches in the UK and at conferences in several other countries.
Since returning to the area of his childhood, north east of Scotland in 1997, he has collated accounts of local revival history.
While continuing to serve churches in various ways, Graeme has written Luke into Jesus, a practical commentary on Luke’s Gospel designed to be particularly helpful to those who are young in age or Christian experience.
His wife, Kate has been his ministry partner and constant support, and their son and three daughters have been actively involved since childhood in church life and ministry.
Throughout the years Graeme has had various roles in evangelistic missions and prayer initiatives in which churches of different denominations have worked together.
Graeme sometimes describes his multifaceted ministry as being “a jack of all trades” or “a gap filler”, but a nine-year old summed it up in her description, “Graeme – the disciple teacher”. Wherever there are people of whatever age who are keen to follow Jesus, Graeme loves to be alongside them and encourage them in their journey.
We hope that you have found something helpful to you on this site. We would be happy to receive any comments or questions you might have for us.
If you are using any of the free download material, it would be a particularly encouraging courtesy if you could send us a short message letting us know that you are finding it useful. Otherwise, how will we know?
If, perhaps many years ago, you were one of the children attending a programme we led in your church or at a conference, camp or weekend, please write and let us know something of your story from that time and what you are doing now. I still keep the pictures and words from some of those times.
[email protected]
Postal Address
19 Rathen Road
AB43 8YB