Advice on Following God’s Call

Some observations from my experience on following God’s call. (Graeme Young)

  1. Sometimes, unexpectedly, people close to you may not understand or agree with the way you are taking. God may not reveal to them what he has revealed to you.
  2. Sometimes God may lead you on an adventure of faith to a “dead-end.”
  3. Sometimes a temporary step back may open up more. God may at times call you to go “backwards”.
  4. You may come to the place where you are at the end of knowing what God wants you to do. He will show you.
  5. You may at some point have to set aside one principle for a higher one.
  6. Don’t give up when you feel that God has not provided what you trusted him for. The test of faith is when you trust him and it doesn’t work out.
  7. God will lead you in ways that are particular to you, and speak to you in ways that are personal to you. Other people will not be led in the same ways. Do not allow them to divert you from relating to God the way that He has brought you into.
  8. Waiting times are in God’s plans and can be longer than we think reasonable. Do not be like the prodigal son by asking for your inheritance before it is Father’s time for you to receive it.
  9. God may use you in ways different to those you feel he has called you to. Follow his daily call.
  10. God’s call is different and more than our perception of it. His purpose is greater than our vision.
  11. God’s call on you has boundaries – don’t restrict yourselves to less than the boundaries. Be careful not to step outside the boundaries either because of your own enthusiasm/pride or the invitation/pressure of others. This is probably the place where most active anointed Christians go wrong.
  12. A situation “crashing” does not mean that everything is lost or wasted. Whatever is done for Jesus and his glory will last.
  13. Be aware of your own and one another’s “natural reactions” and one another’s “Holy Spirit reactions”. Be guided by the latter rather than the former.
  14. Things that you think are very important may not be so important in God’s purposes. Little things you do, that you hardly notice, may be very influential.
  15. God may lead you into situations that you would not have chosen and do not seem to fulfil your own call when His purpose is to use you to help others fulfil their call.
  16. Submitting to “elders” means honouring their calling and not doing things that would usurp their position. It does not mean expecting them to make decisions that you should be making yourselves, or not doing something God has called you to because some elders do not agree.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

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