Jeremiah 1

Jeremiah 1

1.The Word of the Lord came to me

 (4 times) – that’s what we want.

2. “I formed you, I knew you, I set you apart, I gave you” – we are each special to God from the time we are in our mother’s womb.

3. What’s stops people doing all that God wants them to do? the answer that is here:

– not believing that we can do it

“I do not know how to.. I am only a child”

4. God answers that with I send you, I command you, I am with you, and will rescue you.

5. God does not just give us words – he gives us his Spirit “The Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth”

6. God may have BIG plans for us but they are accomplished by us taking simple steps in response to His word.

7. When we are asked what God has shown us, we don’t have to understand it, we only have to say what we have seen.

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