Welcome to Young Resources (Old)

I am Graeme Young.

On this website, along with my book, Luke into Jesus, you will find my practical resources for children’s ministry, most of which have relevance also for young people and adults.

I am looking towards and want to be ready for Revival. In coming days, more and more children and adults will be beginning to follow Jesus but who lack a background of Bible knowldege. I wrote Luke into Jesus with them particularly in mind. I have received from readers a variety of comments which show that it is also proving useful to a wide range of age and experience. Click to read readers’ comments .

I have had a particular interest in helping children to grow in their experience of the Holy Spirit in order to be ready for all that Jesus wants them to do. You can read of what I have seen happen in the page Children and the Holy Spirit, and you can learn from what I have discovered and put into practice in the  Children’s Ministry Manual . You can either read and download these free, or order the printed copies.

I have also added the text of the Your Father booklet for free download on the Read Your Father page.

The text of the Talk about Jesus Bible study booklet is now available to read and download on the Read:Talk about Jesus page.

The text of Pass It On is also available on the Read: Pass It On page

Our EXTRA section has information on a book of poems by Kate Young, my wife, and there are various other articles and items which may be of interest to you. They include: Advice on following God’s Call, All-Age Church – a Way of Life, Answering a 7 year old’s Questions, Answering an Adult’s Question, In letters from an Uncle (good advice!), Instant Housegroup, Wedding Words.


I hope that you find something useful and encouraging amongst these Christian materials for children and all-age ministry. If you have any questions or comments, I’d be glad to hear from you.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.youngresources.co.uk/home/